Dental Implants
Treatments to Enhance Your Confidence

Dental implants

Implant Supported Overdentures
Some of our Chandler implant patients prefer to wear a removable denture that snaps in and out over implant locators. Overdentures are an economical option that brings together the benefits of implants, combined with the design of a traditional denture. In most cases it is reserved for individuals with excessive bone loss, or to stabilize a lower denture.
We strive to make our Irvine Endodontics office a comfortable environment where you will be sure to leave with your tooth pain addressed and a smile on your face
Teeth in a Day Treatments
What happens when you need to replace all of your teeth at one time? Our teeth in a day treatment uses a fixed "All on 4".
  • Immediate function
  • No need to wear anything removable
  • Optimal comfort
  • Not having to go without teeth
  • A procedure that's completed injust one day
Implant Supported Overdentures
Some of our Chandler implant patients prefer to wear a removable denture that snaps in and out over implant locators. Overdentures are an economical option that brings together the benefits of implants, combined with the design of a traditional denture. In most cases it is reserved for individuals with excessive bone loss, or to stabilize a lower denture.
What are Dental Implants?
Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that provide a permanent base for fixed, replacement teeth. Compared to dentures, bridges and crowns, dental implants are a popular and effective long-term solution for people who suffer from missing teeth, failing teeth or chronic dental problems. Because they fit, feel and function like natural teeth, dental implants are quickly becoming the new standard in tooth replacement.
Schedule a Dental Implant Consultation
Dr. Lopez has over a decade of experience performing single and multiple-tooth dental implant therapy. During your visit to Riggs Family Dental, we will discuss your concerns, medical history, and perform a comprehensive examination (along with diagnostic x-rays). Dr. Lopez will then present all of the information to you, so that you can work together to plan the next steps. Get affordable financing on dental implants in Chandler. Call Riggs Family Dental today to schedule an exam and consultation. Be sure to ask about our $79 new patient special! Se habla espanol.
If you are looking for more same day services, please visit our Dental Crowns page to learn how crowns can restore your smile.

Contact information

As soon as you have made up your mind to improve your teeth and your smile, call us to arrange an appointment immediately and we will find the best time to suit you.
T: 305-532-1728
975 Arthur Godfrey rd #306
Miadmi Beach FL 33140
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